Dana Alan Ferguson grew up in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He first got involved with acting at Northern Michigan University. Immediately after being cast in his first play, Dana decided to turn his focus toward the art of theater. While at Northern, Dana peformed in a slew of classic and contemporary productions, including a turn as “Vershinin” in Chekov’s “Three Sisters” and “Duke” in “M.A.S.H.” He was also involved in an original production called “Holdin’ Our Own,” where he played the role of “Peckol”, and another called “Everything’s Relative,” where he potrayed the character “Wiggins.” After graduating from Northern, Dana started up a small production company and began working on short films of his own. One of his first, “The Composition,” was a finalist in the Stella Artois Short Film Festival which was sponsored by Kevin Spacey’s Triggerstreet.com. He is currently in the pre-production process of producing his first feature-length film, “A Lonely, Pathetic, Frightened, Insecure, and Immature Young Man” which is scheduled to begin shooting in early 2013. Most recently he has been cast in the Shiryo Films feature-length production of “The Game” as one of the lead roles, Albert Smith. 



Grand Rapids Michigan